Readiness Evaluation

The most important deciding factor on the length and success of Incident Response investigation is how well an organization is prepared. We help your teams with exercises and playbooks so you’re ready with answers in hours—instead of days—when an investigation does occur.

  • Executive and Marketing Response Strategy
  • Technical Triage, Eradication, and Recovery Processes


Incident Response Management and Handling

Although our goal is to prepare you for the worst, we’re here to help you manage your strategic response and tactical processes. We can provide direct incident handling, including triage, eradication, and recovery.

  • Do you suspect you have been breached?
  • Is your organization currently under attack?
  • Has someone with privileged access had an unplanned exit from your organization?


Digital Forensics

  • Do you suspect or know your proprietary data is being leaked by an insider and need hard evidence?
  • Technical analysis of physical and virtual hard disk drives and memory.
  • Deep dive forensic examinations to produce digital artifacts like images, documents, or evidence of modification and execution.